[Digital call-cards]
[making call-cards]
Its size is similar to the traditional call-cards. It is made up of two parts:
- the painted side, which is similar to the traditional call-card: it contains the emblem of the firm, the name of the owner of the call-card, the way he can be contacted;
On the other side you can find the digital data
- Memory capacity 30 Mb;
- The written data can not be cleaned out, the content can be enlarged;
- Traditional computer CD-ROM-players can read the call-card.
We can write the following:
- written documentation (several thousands pages)
- pictures (*.jpg dormat of postcard size with 300 dpi resolution, about 1000 pieces)
- sound (*.mp3 format, about 40 minutes)
- video recording (mpeg format, about 5 minutes)
It also contain:
- the home page of firms, several hundreds of colored product catalogues, price lists, displays;
- samples of singer's and band's recordings;
- the display of painter's and and sculptor's works.
[Digital call-cards]
[Making call-cards]