[Course for Computer ]
[English and German Courses]
[Typing course ]
[Internet School]
[Our students]
[First page]
Course for Computer Operator:
Elementary notions, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Explorer, Word 2000, Excel 2000, Multimedia applications, Internet, free e-mail address for every student. - 112 classes.
It is required the Certificate of having finished 8 grades.
Instruction : Monday and Thursday afternoons between 4 - 8 p.m.
The presentation of the course
During the course the students will acquire knowledge about the make up of the computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse and their usage, the elementary notions of Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Explorer, Word 2000, and Excel 2000.
Windows Explorer is a utility programme in which we can operate with files , we can make copies, we can rename and delete files and make new ones.
Word 2000 is a simple word processing program which can be used for drafting contracts, letters with headlines.
The Excel 2000 program is a program usingdatabases and tables. Word 2000 and Excel 2000 are no elementary parts of Windows Millennium Edition.
The students learn letter writing on the Internet. They will have a personal mail box with the help of which they can send and get letters, and can use this mail box after the end of the course free of charge. The students will acquire the way of searching on the Internet. They can save the information (pictures, programmes, HTML pages) on discs or Winchester.
During this course the students can acquire the usage of discs, CD, multimedia kits, sound-recording, sound-playing as well as watching films. The students will get a printed documentation which help them in their learning at home. Besides all these, the students are asked during the classes about the taught lessons, are put to solve exercises concerning word processing, drawings. Test papers are given to estimate their knowledge.
We recommend this programmes to the management of all smaller firms, all these being indispensable for the job of a secretary.
The course of the programmer assistant:
Elementary notions of Windows Millennium Edition, Word 2000, Excel 2000, Internet, free e-mail address for every student - 112 classes. The students who have attended the Computer operator Course at our firm will have an allowance of 10% if they attend the Assistant programmer course too.
The School-leaving Diploma is required.
The presentation of the course
Microsoft Word for Windows is one of the most widely popular word processing programmes. With its help we can draw up the advertising pages for our firm, letters with headlines or we can fill in automatically different printed papers as well. In short, we can give to our firm an image which is essential nowadays.
For the understanding and usage of this programme there is no need for special knowledge in Computer Studies. A basic knowledge of the Windows will be enough.
The Microsoft Excel is a programme using tables and data base. I can recommend to those people who work in bookkeeping. With the help of Excel any returns which include accounts, store inventories, tabular statements can be done in an attractive way and can be also printed.
Besides all this I can recommend it to the managers of ltd's . If you know the Excel programme you will not throw yourselves on your accountants' mercy any longer. Any returns can be done in a very short time on the basis of the existing data base.
The Word 2000 and Excel 2000 are recommended to those persons who want to draw their documents, tabular statements with graphical and numerical values in a quick and attractive way. During the course we teach you some little tricks which you can use to make your work easier and to use these programmes in a professional way. Making use of this opportunity we wish you success.
The required documents for the attendance of the course:
- the copy of the birth certificate (without authentication)
- the copy of the marriage certificate (without authentication)
- the copy of the diploma issued by the last school you attended
- medical certificate given by the doctor of the dispensary you belong ( given not earlier than a month before the beginning of the course)
- dossier
- after the finishing of the course the participants receive an exercisable certificate which will be entered in the Work-Book
- on a computer two students can work
- on payment of 10% the student can use the computer alone
- the price of the course includes 10 hours of using the Internet
- the free of charge mail box can be kept after the end of the course
- after the finishing of the course all participants receive a Compact Disk, including the website executed by student, photos and videos created during the course, and the documentation of course.
- the possibility of payment by instalments
- during the course students can practise
- after the end of the course the students can use the Internet with an allowance of 10%
- if the unjustified absences exceed 10% of the duration of the course the student does not receive a diploma